Winter Haven Hospital Foundation Board
The Foundation is governed by a Board of Trustees comprised of professionals and business leaders who understand the responsibility of accountability to our benefactors and donors as well as responsible stewardship of contributions.
Winter Haven Hospital Foundation Board
The Foundation is governed by a Board of Trustees comprised of professionals and business leaders who understand the responsibility of accountability to our benefactors and donors as well as responsible stewardship of contributions.

Nathan Falk, MD Chairman

David Johnson

Nathan Falk, MD

David Johnson

Lance Anastasio

David Evans, M.D.

Alan Gustafson

Lance Anastasio

David Evans, M.D.

Alan Gustafson

Jan Hyman

Don Ingram

Anna Kauffman
WHH Auxiliary Liaison

Jan Hyman

Don Ingram

Anna Kauffman
WHH Auxiliary Liaison

Nelson Kirkland

Bruce Lyon

Mike Mahalak

Nelson Kirkland

Bruce Lyon

Mike Mahalak

Megan McGee

Kevin McGrath

Marie Mixon

Megan McGee

Kevin McGrath

Marie Mixon

Lynn Oakley

Brent Parrish

Juan R. Rivera, MD

Lynn Oakley

Brent Parrish

Juan R. Rivera, MD

Bud Strang

Richard Straughn

Brian Swain

Bet Tucker

Bud Strang

Richard Straughn

Brian Swain

Bet Tucker