Building on the Tradition
Starting with zero assets after re-incorporating in 2002, the Foundation, with generous visionary support, has grown its total assets to more than $18 million as of 2018. Concurrently, over the past decade, the Foundation has conveyed over $16 million to expand and enhance patient care services for our community.
In 2015, State Farm© donated one of the most visible and valuable pieces of real estate in eastern Polk County to the Foundation. State Farm’s visionary investment has allowed the Foundation to convey a long-term land lease with a commercial value of $6.5 million to Winter Haven Hospital. With this magnificent gift, the hospital completed the first phase of construction of a 16,000-square-foot medical arts center on the property.
Now completed, the facility has dramatically increased access to high-quality healthcare services for Highway 27 corridor communities.
Community Benefit
In a landmark initiative in 2017, the Foundation completed its facilitation of the establishment of the new Florida State University College of Medicine Family Medicine Residency Program at Winter Haven Hospital. The total financial benefit to Winter Haven Hospital, BayCare Health System and the community is estimated to be $27,206,905 in the first five years of the program’s operation.
Sustaining the Legacy
Winter Haven Hospital Foundation funding has been utilized to:
- Establish Winter Haven Hospital’s nationally recognized Bostick Heart Center and Cassidy Cancer
Center - Establish the new Florida State University College of Medicine Family Medicine Residency
Program at Winter Haven Hospital - Establish the new Winter Haven Hospital Medical Arts Complex
- Provide state-of-the-art digital mammography and ultrasound equipment for the newly
renovated Winter Haven Women’s Hospital - Establish the Winter Haven Hospital Robotics Institute and the Center for Urology
- Facilitate the construction of Winter Haven Hospital’s West expansion and Volunteer Auxiliary
Grande Lobby projects - Develop and enhance Winter Haven Hospital’s patient care services through major support conveyed to the Polk State College and Florida Southern College Nursing Departments
Shaping the Future of Our Community
Fulfilling the Strategic Plan
The mission of the Winter Haven Hospital Foundation is to support Winter Haven Hospital in providing superior health care to the Winter Haven and eastern Polk County community. The Foundation offers many creative and powerful opportunities to individuals and organizations that are passionate about advancing the Foundation’s patient-centric mission. Gifts to the Winter Haven Hospital Foundation can support the most current and urgent needs of the hospital and patients or enhance the Foundation’s endowment which facilitates the Foundation’s ability to fund future priorities. Your investment will help shape health care in our community – immediately or for years to come.